Wednesday, 10 June 2015

7 Days Meal Plan For Losing Weight

The truth is, every over weight people will always want to burn down fat and maintain a slim body. You can always win your weight loss battle at home.  This article was originally posted by Fitness magazine, designed by The Biggest Loser nutritionist Cheryl Forberg, RD. It is a 7days meal plan for loosing weight.


You'll eat three meals and two snacks daily, plus each dish packs a filling balance of 45 percent

Friday, 22 May 2015

War Against Mouth Odour - 6 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Mouth Odour Forever

What could be more humiliating and embarrassing than mouth odour? No one likes to hear it, but it’s worse not to know you have mouth odour.
Is anything worse than seeing people turn their faces away from you when you are talking to them?
Bad breath or mouth odour (also known as halitosis or malodor) can be very embarrassing and tough on those around you.

Monday, 18 May 2015

8 Simple Ways to Completely Get Rid of Dark Lips

Every woman likes to have rosy and pink lips. Pinkish lips enhance your beauty; Beautiful lips make your smile even more pretty. Sometimes darker lips are genetically inherited and are most commonly found in dark complexioned people. There are several factors that can cause your lips to get darker. The most common

Saturday, 16 May 2015

4 Homemade Remedies To Cure Enzema

Eczema is a general term used to describe varying skin conditions that result in inflamed and discolored skin. Typically the skin is red, dry, inflamed, and occasionally blisters or crusts form. The term eczema is often times used interchangeably with the term dermatitis, which literally translates to “inflamed skin.”

If you have eczema, your skin is most likely producing less fats and oils than it should be, and the ability to retain water is diminished.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Hips Don't Lie - 8 Yoga Poses For Bigger Hips

These yoga poses will help you open your hips which may help you get wider hips. These are great yoga poses if you are trying to enhance your hips naturally. These are also great to use before a workout on the lower body to help you avoid injury and recover a bit faster.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Get A Flat-Belly That Only Takes 10 Minutes!

It's true: you can work your way to a six-pack in just five moves! I bet you'll never look at plank the same way again! Get ready to warm up the body, give it a great stretch, and feel your midsection burn in this 10-minute workout.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

8 Facial Yoga Poses- Lose 15 years from your face in just 10 minutes a day

As we age, our face naturally slackens, but what if there was a way you could take 15 years off your face without resorting to surgery or treatments such as Botox? One woman claims she has the answer - facial fitness exercises.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

How to Gain Weight in Two Weeks

While most people want to prevent weight gain, there are some who want to put weight on. The key to gaining weight is to stick to a nutritious diet and eat more calories. Rather than eating high-sugar, high-fat foods to pack on the pounds, opt for energy-dense foods that are high in calories and nutrient-rich. That way, you'll achieve your goal of gaining weight in two weeks without sacrificing your health.

5 Amazing Ways to Shape Your Butt

Need to shape up your backside? Look no further — we've got handful of effective exercises to perk up your backside fast. The difference between buns of steel and buns of, well, pants are these 10 bum-blasting exercises.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

How to Use Garlic & Onion For Hair Growth (Preparation & Application)

Hair loss and the infamous receding hairline may not be medical emergencies; those that suffer from this common condition are often left embarrassed and self-conscious about their appearance.

Did you realize that Garlic and the humble onion may be used topically as a natural baldness and hair loss treatment? A hair loss remedy can be natural and made with herbs and vitamins, and garlic and onions certainly count as being natural ingredients.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Top 8 Best YOGA Asanas For Losing Weight Quickly

Can I use yoga for weight loss? Yes! Losing weight isn’t easy for anyone, but with the right attitude, you can make a real difference in how you look and feel. Yoga can be a fantastic way to achieve and maintain the body you want. Scientific research has been showing links between weight loss and yoga. These fat-burning yoga poses will help kick-start your metabolism and build up lean muscle tone.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

How To Lose 8 Kgs Weight In 7 Days

For all the overweight people who are starving their stomach always to lose excess weight, try the healthier and fastest way to lose weight by following the simple GM diet plan.

One of the most popular and commonly followed diet plans of many weight loss enthusiasts is the General Motors diet plan and this plan is the best plan that you can come across on various sources that will provide you with the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally without intake any other health supplements or diet pills.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Top 9 Ways To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast

Stretch marks are visible lines on the skin surface, with an off-color hue. Stretch marks are mainly found in the abdominal wall, but can also occur over the thighs, upper arms, buttocks and breasts. Stretch marks appear on the skin surface when someone grows quickly, or puts on weight quickly.
Stretch marks can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable about your appearance.

Friday, 1 May 2015

5 Ways to Burn Down Fat For Good

Drink One Glass Of Water Before Each Meal
A sneaky technique to try if you struggle to cut back on your food intake is to simply drink one glass of water before each meal.

This serves multiple purposes:
==>Staying well-hydrated makes sure your metabolism runs at top speeds. Even slight dehydration makes it sluggish.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

How to Prepare Watermelon Juice in 10Minutes

Watermelon juice recipe is easy to make and no rocket science required. Watermelon Juice are great for calorie conscious people as well. As watermelons are already sweet so no need of adding sugar. Moreover watermelons are so refreshing and cool I just love them.

The benefits of watermelon are endless such prevention of cancer, as aiding  digestion, provides minerals, vitamins to the body, weight loss benefits and finally, it is good for kidney health. Watermelon has a lot of water content and fiber which is great to beat the heat in summer, acts as a coolant to our bodies.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Moringa Oil Skin Care Benefits & Preparation

The other day I talked about the health benefits of Moringa tea and how you can easily prepare it. Without much doubt, Moringa has a lot to offer. Lets quickly look at Moringa oil benefits for skin, and its preparation.

Moringa oil is found in numerous cosmetics due to moisturizing, cleansing and emollient properties. It’s used in shampoos and conditioners and other hair care products, lotions, body oils, lip balms, anti-aging and wrinkle creams, face creams, soaps and body wash, perfume and deodorants. It’s used for aromatherapy and massage oils because it blends well with essential oils and is a good carrier oil.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Miracle Power of Moringa Tea For Weight Loss, Skin Beauty & Anti Inflamatory

Moringa oleifera is one of the most rich sources of nutrients and vitamins that our body needs. It is rich in calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and iron. Moringa can be prepared as a vegetable or included in soups, but mostly just the leaves and fruits are used.  Others prefer to drink it as tea.
Moringa increases energy naturally, helps manage weight, detoxifies body, and nourishes your body’s immune system.

War Against Snoring - 7 Tips To Stop Snoring

Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. Snoring can be so annoying most especially when you want to get the best sleep of your life, then your partner changes  the gear of his/her sleep to another level.

The worst aspect of snoring is that it has scattered so many relationships. Not all partners can actually stay with a terrific snoring partner. No matter who the culprit is, it would be helpful to get some tips on how to stop it.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Beat acne, heart disease, diabetes and bad breath with cloves

Cloves are small nailed shaped flower buds that are dried. They have a sweet, somewhat penetrating flavor. Cloves can be bought whole or ground. Ground cloves are commonly used in baking. Cloves are native to Indonesia.

clove can do much more for your body than simply make food more palatable. Here are the top 8 reasons to add clove to your daily diet.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

How to Extract Milk From Soya Beans

Soy milk, which is made from soaking, grinding and boiling soy beans with water, is a very nutritious drink. Soy is naturally high in essential fatty acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients provide energy and keep your body functioning at its optimum level.

Health Benefits of Soy Milk

==>Promote Weight Loss

Soy milk is naturally lower in sugar content than regular milk. Cow's milk has about 12 grams of sugar per cup as opposed to only 7 grams in soy milk. This is why a cup of whole soy milk has only 80 calories, which is the equivalent of skim milk. In addition, the monounsaturated fatty acid in soy milk can inhibit your

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

20 Amazing Facts & Benefits You Dont' Know About Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.” Its unique combination of fatty acids can have profound positive effects on health.

This includes fat loss, better brain function and various other amazing benefits.

20 Benefits You Don’t Know About Coconut Oil

10 Ways to Use Honey to Get More Soft Skin, Hair, and Nails

You want baby soft skin that glows? Read this and it will make you shine like a star!

1. Moisturizing Mask
Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture from the air into the skin and ensures it's retained it in the layers where it’s needed most for penetrating, long-lasting hydration.
Try it: Spread one teaspoon raw honey on clean, dry skin, and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.

4 Benefits of Honey to Pregnant Women

Honey is actually packed with many properties and nutrients that make it a great food to be added to the diet. Check out 4 amazing benefits of honey during pregnancy

·         It possesses natural antibiotic properties.
·         It has the ability to reduce allergic reactions.

Monday, 23 February 2015

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Carrots Juice

Carrots are not just for Bugs Bunny! It is a rich source of necessary nutrients and minerals. It is one of those miracle concoctions that is good for various purposes. It helps treat and prevent diseases and helps improve our vision, skin, hair, nail etc. Drinking carrot juice daily is a habit that everyone should start, as it is both healthy and tasty as well. Not a combination that is easy to find! Flip through any diet plan and you will definitely come across carrot juice!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

12 Reason You Should Drink More Water This Year

Water is the second most popular beverage in the U.S and in the world after soft drinks. This is a scary stat, since sugary soda is a huge health hazard, upping the risk of obesity, stroke, and other heart problems . However, these dangers can be avoided if people choose to drink water, which doesn’t have negative side effects. So help put the sugary stuff to the side and make water the number one drink of choice. The benefits really are endless. (Just take a look!)

Fluid balance

Roughly 60 percent of the body is made of water. Drinking enough H2O maintains the body’s fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food, and more.

7 Health Benefit of Bananas

Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for good reason. The curved yellow fruit packs a big nutritional punch, wrapped in its own convenient packaging. Some scientists believe that the banana may have even been the world's first fruit.
The possible health benefits of consuming bananas include lowering the risks of cancer and asthma, lowering blood pressure, improving heart health and promoting regularity.

Nutritional breakdown of bananas

9 Reason to Eat Cucumbers Always

Cucumbers belong to the same plant family as squash, pumpkin, and watermelon (the Cucurbitaceae family). Like watermelon, cucumbers are made up of mostly (95 percent) water, which means eating them on a hot summer day can help you stay hydrated.
However, there's reason to eat cucumbers all year long. With vitamin K, B vitamins, copper, potassium, vitamin C, and manganese, cucumbers can help you to avoid nutrient deficiencies that are widespread among those eating a typical American diet.