Thursday, 14 May 2015

Hips Don't Lie - 8 Yoga Poses For Bigger Hips

These yoga poses will help you open your hips which may help you get wider hips. These are great yoga poses if you are trying to enhance your hips naturally. These are also great to use before a workout on the lower body to help you avoid injury and recover a bit faster.

Pigeon Pose: 

From down dog, sweep right shin toward the front of the mat, right knee toward right wrist and right ankle toward left wrist. (If right hip is elevated, set a rolled blanket or firm pillow underneath it.) Crawl hands forward until head is on the ground (or prop head up with soft blocks or blankets), and breathe here for 10 deep breaths. Repeat on left side.

Lizard Pose: 

From down dog, lift right leg high to down dog split, open hip, bend knee, and step right foot outside of right hand. Tap left knee to the ground and, if it feels good, gently lower forearms to the ground. Breathe here for 5 deep breaths, then repeat on left side.

Ankle to Knee Pose: 

Sitting upright, take right shin parallel to the front of the mat and stack left shin directly on top of and in line with it, keeping feet flexed to protect knees. (If knees and ankles don’t touch, place blankets in between them.) Breathe here for 5 deep breaths, then repeat with left shin on the bottom.

Reclined Cow Face Pose: 

Lie on back and cross right knee over left, winging feet out to the sides slightly. Take hold of right foot with left hand and left foot with right hand. Keeping knees stacked, direct feet with hands, moving in the direction of getting shins into one long line. Bend elbows and flex feet. Breathe here for 5 to 10 breaths, then repeat on other side.

Half Happy Baby: 

Lie on back with legs straight. Bend right knee, hugging it in toward chest. Take outer edge of right foot in right hand, reaching right knee toward right armpit. Rock softly from left to right if that feels nice, and stay here for 5 deep breaths. Repeat on left side.

Seated Forward Bend: 

Sit up tall and open legs wide to sides until there’s a little tension but not so much that it is uncomfortable. Walk hands forward between legs, keeping torso long. Stay here for 10 long, deep breaths.

Squat Pose: 

From standing, heel-toe feet wide apart, pointing toes out so that hips are open. Start to soften and bend knees, releasing hips toward the ground, hovering above at whatever height feels good for you. Take elbows inside of thighs, lightly pressing them out, and take hands together like a prayer at the center of chest. Try to keep spine long. Breathe here for 5 to 10 deep breaths.

Frog Pose: 

Come to all fours and place a blanket under right knee, just off the mat. Slowly allow right knee to slide away from body as you lower hips and then chest toward the mat. Make a pillow with hands for head (or use a block). Allow hips to sink to wherever is still comfortable and breathe there for 5 to 10 deep breaths.

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