Need to shape up your backside? Look no further — we've got
handful of effective exercises to perk up your backside fast. The difference
between buns of steel and buns of, well, pants are these 10 bum-blasting
1. Plank Leg-Lifts:
Doing these plank leg-lifts on an
exercise ball further challenges your balance to help strengthen your core
while you work your backside:
Plank Leg Lif. |
Lie on your belly on an exercise ball,
and walk your hands out so the ball is underneath your shins. Your hands should
be underneath your shoulders.
Draw your navel toward your spine to
engage your abs, which will help keep your spine straight and your body
Lift your right leg into the air, then
slowly lower it back toward the ball, but don't let it touch. This counts as
one repetition. Keep your pelvis level throughout your reps.
Complete three sets of 10-12 reps with
the right leg, and then repeat with the left.
Image Credit: Popsugar
2. Squat with Kick-Back
You are strong. Your quads and butt are
toned (okay, getting there). You will not fall as you attempt this powerhouse
Do it:
Stand with your legs shoulder-width
Sit back to a squat, bringing your
fists close to your chin.
Then bring your left leg straight
behind you while extending your arms forward.
Return to the squat position, then
repeat on the other side.
Continue alternating sides for one
As you squat, remember to keep your
weight back on your heels.
When extending the leg behind you, keep
your hips square — don't twist them toward the side.
3. Dumbbell Squat
Do it:
Start with your feet shoulder-width
apart and 8- to 10-pound dumbbells by your thighs.
Squat down as if you were going to sit
in a chair, keeping your weight over your heels.
Squeeze your glutes as you return to
the start position.
Do 15-20 reps.
As you continue, keep the weight in
your heels, making sure your knees do not pass forward of your toes.
For a bigger challenge, try it without
the weights, jump explosively, and land in the squat position
4: Superman Ball Lifts
The Superman ball lift is a
butt-challenging variation on your standard Superman:
Lie on your belly, and hold an exercise
ball between your feet.
Engage your abs, and extend your arms
straight out in front of you.
As you inhale, squeeze the ball and
lift your knees, arms, and chest off the floor. Hold for a count of 10, and
then slowly release your body back to the floor.
Repeat for a total of 10 lifts.
5. Low Lunge Hover
How to do it:
Stand with feet hip-width apart before
stepping your right foot back, and lowering into lunge stance with the left
knee over the ankle. Bring your arms over your head and hinge forward from the
waist. Lower the chest forward toward the thighs as your arms reach forward.
Lift the right leg while straightening the left. Hold for 3 breaths before
returning to the starting lunge position.
Do 3 reps; switch legs and repeat.
Do 3 reps; switch legs and repeat.
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