Can I use yoga for weight loss? Yes! Losing weight isn’t easy for anyone, but with the right attitude, you can make a real difference in how you look and feel. Yoga can be a fantastic way to achieve and maintain the body you want. Scientific research has been showing links between weight loss and yoga. These fat-burning yoga poses will help kick-start your metabolism and build up lean muscle tone.
1. Vasisthasana (Side
Stand in the Plank position. Now roll both the heels to the
right so that the outer foot is touching the floor. Stack the left foot on the
right foot. Now press down your right hand and raise the left hand by
inhalation. Stay in this pose for about 5 breaths. Now release the pose and get
back to plank pose by exhaling.
2. Utkatasana (Chair Pose):
Stand in Tadasana position. Stretch your hands up in the
air. Now bend your knees and try to keep your thighs parallel with the floor in
the same manner in which you sit on a chair. Stay in this position for 30
seconds and release. This will help you in reducing fat from the arms and
3. Ardha Chakrasana – Half Wheel Pose:
- Stand on the yoga mat with the feet joined together, with the toes and heels touching each other.
- Allow your hands to rest on your waist; make sure that your thumbs point towards your spine.
- Taking a deep inhalation, slowly bend backward until you experience the tingle on your spine.
- Make sure your knees are straight.
- Hold the pose, breathing deeply, until you finish counting 20 slowly.
- Exhaling and then inhaling, slowly release your body from the pose and relax in the initial position.
- This makes one repetition. Repeat 3 to 5 times.
4. Bhekasana
Lie on your belly and reach
back to grab your feet as in bow pose. Now through inhalation, lift up your
chest and squeeze the shoulders towards each other. Fold your feet towards the
hip region and let your hands hold the toes. Hold this pose for 5 breaths and
then gradually release.
5. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Lie down on the floor with your belly touching the ground. Keep your hands besides your chest. Now take a deep breath and lift your legs & thighs up. At the same time, you have to try to catch your legs with your hands. Remain in this position for 30 seconds & release
6. Shalbasana:
Lie on your belly with your hands
resting below your thighs while forehead and chin are resting on the
floor. Now try to raise your left leg up to 10 inches. Keep your leg
straight. Do not bend your knees. After that, try doing the same with your
right leg too. At the final stage, do this with both your legs.
7. Nauka Chalan (Boat Pose):
Sit down in a straight yet comfortable position. Spread your legs straight in front of you. Your legs need to be joined to each other. Do not bend your knees. Place your hands besides your body. Now try to move your hands forward & backward. Also, move your body in the same manner as you move your hands. Do it 10 times in clockwise position & 10 times in anti-clockwise position. Release.
8. Paschimottanasana
Sit down on the floor with both legs
extended forward in front of you. Stretch your arms and body forward and try to
touch your toes. Do not bend your knees & try to reach your toes. This
asana gives a good stretch to your hands, arms & your spine. Also, it
reduces extra belly fat & keeps your healthy & free from diseases.
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