Monday, 23 February 2015

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Carrots Juice

Carrots are not just for Bugs Bunny! It is a rich source of necessary nutrients and minerals. It is one of those miracle concoctions that is good for various purposes. It helps treat and prevent diseases and helps improve our vision, skin, hair, nail etc. Drinking carrot juice daily is a habit that everyone should start, as it is both healthy and tasty as well. Not a combination that is easy to find! Flip through any diet plan and you will definitely come across carrot juice!

Health Benefits Of Carrot Juice:
What makes Carrot Juice so nutritious is that it contains a large amount of beta-carotene, vitamins and potassium in it.

1.       Improves Immunity And Controls Heart Diseases: Beta-carotene makes it a rich source of vitamin A. It also helps improve the immune system. The abundance of vitamin A in carrot juice can help improve your sight and the daily intake can prevent the onset of heart diseases and strokes.
2.       Reduces Cholesterol: Here comes an amazing benefit of carrot juice.The potassium present in carrot juice can reduce cholesterol levels. It is good for the liver as it reduces fat and bile in it. Potassium, along with manganese and magnesium stabilizes blood sugar level, thus helping to reduce the risk of diabetes.
3.       Aids In Clotting Of Blood: Vitamin K present in carrot juice helps blood to clot.
4.       Heals External Wounds And Gums: Vitamin C helps to heal wounds and keeps the gums healthy.
5.       Prevents Cancer: It also acts like an anti-cancer agent. Increased intake of carotenoids in carrot juice has been said to decrease instances of bladder, prostate, colon and breast cancer.
6.       Protein Building and Bone Health: Vitamin K, present in Carrot juice is essential for the protein building process in the body. It also helps in the binding of calcium that in turn leads to the faster healing of broken bones. Potassium present in carrot also helps to improve bone health.
7.       Cleanses the Liver: Carrot juice cleanses and detoxifies the liver. Toxins in the liver are released from the system and excreted after regular consumption of carrot juice. The bloodstream cannot rid the body of toxins and bile through the kidneys. This has to be ejected from the skin. Carrot juice aids this process and ensures harmful bile is removed from the body. When the liver functions well, it prevents the accumulation of fat and aids in its rapid digestion, preventing weight gain and obesity.
8.       Nursing Mother: Carrot juice helps enhance the quality and quantity of a mother’s breast milk.
9.       Pregnancy:  Drinking carrot juice regularly during pregnancy, especially during the last few months, will reduce the chances of jaundice in baby. No, you won’t get an orange baby!
10.   Skin problems:  The high quality vitamin C and other rich nutrients in carrot juice efficiently nourish the skin, preventing dry skin, psoriasis and other skin blemishes.
11.   Thread worms:  One small cup of carrot juice in the morning taken daily for a week may help clear up thread worms in children.

1 comment :

  1. This is exactly what I'm searching for. My children do not like to have carrots. I think now I can convince them showing up these health benefits carrot juice ,as they are health conscious after all.
